Description of Backpack to Sardine Lakes: To send Mr. Boggeri off to Washington state, Tim Steve and myself accompanied Mr. B. to these gorgeous high altitude lakes just on the outskirts of Yosemite in the Ansel Adams Wilderness. The trail is actually a great moderate dayhike candidate, but camping lets you spend a great deal more time doing important things like fishing. The trail down Bloody Canyon to the lower Sardine lake is an energy drain, especially at high altitude. In total IĀ alone caught over 200 trout that weekend. It may even be closer to 300, but when you start off the day catching 13 brookies on your first 13 casts, it's easy to lose track after a few hours. After catching the many 8-9 inchers in lower Sardine, we packed-up and cross country hiked our way past Upper Sardine and Spillway Lakes, where we slayed bigger fish to 15" with several browns mixed-in. It was an awesome weekend! |