eDNA Collection at UC Merced Vernal Pool Reserve 26/01/19

Zephyr, Laura and I headed out to the UC Merced Vernal Pool Reserve to play community scientists and help researchers gather upland soil, transition zone soil, and vernal pool sediments for researchers at UCLA & UC Merced. Environmental DNA will be extracted from the samples to see what's been living in the region. Cool!
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UC Merced undergrads getting coached-up on how to take samples.
Joy & Laura share a science laugh.
We like to mooooove it moooove it...
Off we go to our site!
Vernal pools are good for contimplation.
First sampling site was along the "shore" of the largest vernal pool in California.
First soil samples collected from the ground squirrel burrow.
Scooping the soil.
Some people volunteered to take sediment samples out in the middle of the largest vernal pool in California.
Z using leftover gloves to inspec thte vernal pool fringes.
