Up MrHollister.com » Yosemite Foothills Drive 040211 Slideshow

Laura and I decided to go for a drive into the foothills looking for signs of wildflowers. Although the hills were tremendously green, the wildflowers appear to be 7-10 days away from really going bonkers. There were patches here and there near Coulterville, but nothing like the crescendo that I imagine will take place within the next several weeks. Oh, we also detoured into Yosemite Valley to see the waterfalls already bombing off the cliffs. If there was a low spot on the lip of a cliff, there was water running off it! Our trip was capped with a stellar sunset along the Tuolumne River near La Grange.

Lichen & moss.
Textural shot of the moss.
Moss and rockfall remnants.
Bottom of Wildcat Falls.
El Capitan.
Mrs. H way off in the distance.
Yosemite Falls was rippin'.
I think this is Buckhorn Creek.
Lake McClure.
tuolumne river bridge
What a sunset!

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