Zephyr Goes to Pinecrest

The family made a quick day-trip up the hill to visit the Eisenhuts in their new Twain Harte cabin (which was very nice). Steve, Bryanna, Gretchen, Laura, Z and I headed up to play in what should have been the snowy wonderland of Pinecrest Lake. 1/8" of snow and no ice. But the hiking was great.
 RJH9406  RJH9407  RJH9409  RJH9411
 RJH9413  RJH9417  RJH9421  RJH9424
 RJH9427  RJH9430  RJH9432  RJH9433
 RJH9436  RJH9440  RJH9442  RJH9445
 RJH9446  RJH9448  RJH9449  RJH9451
 RJH9453 1  RJH9463 : pinecrest