Salmon on the Tuolumne River

Laura, Zephyr and I made our way out the Tuolumne River at the old La Grange Bridge. We thought we might see a few salmon (a mere 2200 spawned last year) but were shocked to see more than 50 salmon in about an hourof viewing. Over 40,000 salmon spawned on the Tuolumne as recently as 1985. Perhaps restoration efforts are paying dividends!
Pre-trip salmon dance!  Yay! On the Old La Grange Bridge A salmon seen from the Old La Grange Bridge.  Sans polarizing filter. Bridge!
Mmmm. Sushi!  A spawned-out carcass. Note that the fatty eyes and brain are eaten and the meaty parts of the fish are yet to be scavenged. Down on the gravel bar waiting for our friends to swim past.  RJH0297  RJH0301
Note the dorsal fins on the bottom right of photo. Dorsal fins lower right-center  RJH0313 The view downstream.
Tuolumne River Trust takes a canoe tour. Kayakers risk getting thumped by the whales charging upstream.  RJH0321  RJH0325