McGurk Meadow and Sentinel Dome 7/26/21

Grandma, Zephyr and I scored a three-day day pass for Yosemite while Laura put the finishing touches on her Masters work. We first visited Sentinel Dome, and since we did that hike so quickly we added the short jaunt down to McGurk Meadow as well. It was my first time to McGurk and it was FULL of amazing wildflowers and small ponds of a stream that would normally flow above ground in non-drought times. The abundance of life was quite surprising given the lack of rain. Luckily there were no mosquitos so we were able to have a grand time enjoying the scenery. This was the last hike that Z and I will have to do without Laura, because she is now FINISHED with her Masters!
Sentinel Dome "secret" path.
Z is turning into a great hiker when he's in the right mindset.
Give a kid granite to walk on and he'll climb forever.
Grandma was quite fine with not quite going all the way to the top of Sentinel Dome.
Z is in to taking rests on the uphill.
Look at the views! Monsoonal moisture and clouds really gave everything a cool hue. Also, they reinvigorated Yosemite Falls for a day or two too.
Half Dome and a happy kid.
Z and I rarely get selfies together, but this was a good spot to do so.
Gotta have a funny face, right?
Raven friend.
Yosemite Falls to Half Dome. iPhone Pano.
Half Dome with Nevada Falls in teh background. Recent storms also gave its flows a boost.
I can't believe so many people hike the Yosemite Falls trail in the summer.
A blurry El Cap.
Boulder explorer.
Happy grandma with Z posing next to a Jeffrey Pine taking advantage of a space between the rocks.
Half Dome, Vernal and Nevada Falls from Washburn Point... the most overlooked great view in Yosemite.
Vernal and Nevada Falls.
Half Dome with light dancing on it.
