May Lake 2023 8/12/23

It'd been three years since we last visited May Lake. We left the house at 7:30am, picked up sandwiches in Oakdale, had lunch on the ridge overlooking Tenaya Canyon, caught some fish and were back home to Turlock in time for dinner!
Hiking start was a bit delayed.
Z and Grandma ready for an adventure! Hoping at this point our new mosquito lotion would keep bugs at bay!
Looking at some great Mount Hoffman granodiorite.
Such a great trail when there are no crowds and no dust.
The massive snow over winter had mostly melted, but the water breathed life to CARPETS of wildflowers.
A close up of the very small lupine.
Shooting stars dot a pond.
Trail winding past Half Dome granodiorite.
The trail to May Lake is a gentle mile and a half with lots of interesting geology.
Wildflower carpets were just EVERYWHERE.
More gorgeous lupine.
Lupine carpet bomb.
Making our way up to the lake under beautiful conditions.
Sierra penstemon
So many flowers can make one overcome with apathy.
Flowers galore.
Chonkers western fence lizard just as colorful as the flowers! What got its tail
Chonkers western fence lizard just as colorful as the flowers! What got its tail?
Cool jointing patterns in the Half Dome granodiorite.
Neat scene.
