High Emigrant Lake Backpack 2021 6/20—7/1/21

The only temporary perk of having a drought is that snow is melted above 11,000' in early June. With that (and trying to beat wildfire season) in mind, Eric Hauck and I ventured up to the high Emigrant Wilderness for several days of backpacking adventure near High Emigrant Lake. After acclimating to the high elevations for an evening at Leavitt Lake (*rough* *terrible* road for rugged 4x4 rigs only) we headed off on our 8.5mi adventure bright and early the next morning. 2500ft of elevation gain, at high elevations and over rough trail, was very tiring. But the views were spectacular. We caught six brookies in several hours of fishing over two days... not the hottest action I've ever seen at the lake. What we lacked in catch rate was more than made-up for by the fishes' size. All brookies were over 15" and the largest was about 17" and weighed close to 2.5lbs (easily). Enjoy our explorations, and don't forget to zoom into the images. They're fairly high resolution for web.

Day 1 - Leavitt Lake TH to High Emigrant Lake

68 images


Day 2 - Grizzly Meadow and Emigrant Meadow Lakes

38 images


Day 2 - Geology of High Emigrant Lake East Shore

56 images


Day 3 - High Emigrant Lake to Leavitt Lake TH

23 images
