Gold Beach 2017

We decided that this year would be the perfect year to introduce Zephyr to the old family road trip to Gold Beach, Oregon. Why drive 550+ miles with a 4yr old two grandparents in tow? To experience the awesomeness of Jerry's Rogue Jets, of course. We had a suspicion Z would love the trip, but we didn’t anticipate just *how* much he would love it. Check out the videos of the 360 spins and the mile-wide grin on that kid’s face. Grandma & Grandpa also had a great time reminiscing of when our family used to take the trip when I was a kid. Of note, we rented an AirBnB right on the beach, and was spectacular. Twice-daily beach excursions, a hot tub, etc. It was a great vacation capped with a hike through Redwoods National Park on the way home.
June 12 2017

Redding Sundial Bridge

  • June 13-16 2017

    Gold Beach

  • June 13 2017

    Jerrys Rogue Jets

  • June 15 2017

    Lone Ranch Beach

  • June 15 2017

    Arch Rock

  • June 16 2017

    Trillium Falls Trail

  • June 16 2017

    Fern Canyon Trail