Alaska 2021 7/9—8/1/21

Alaska 2020 never happened due to the initial COVID outbreak. After some hectic rescheduling in March, my dad & I were able to confirm a spot for early July at Whaler's Cove Lodge - several weeks earlier than we normally visit. We shared a boat with Charlie and David, traveling friends of my dad's that he met while touring Europe. The fishing this year was only average. We caught limits of halibut and cod but were too early for the silvers and couldn't land any keeper king salmon. The final day of fishing was very consistent landing kings (22 in total) but every single one was smaller than 28" and had to be released. Thus we each only came home with our ~50lbs of fish. In good years we may each have 100+lbs that lasts the year. Enjoy the photos, which are a mix of iphone and D850 images. 360 Video can be found below so you can relive the experience. Other notable occurrences from this year: Very rough and and abnormally large seas prevented us from venturing too far away, and thus had to hunt for sheltered spots that weren't super-productive fisheries. Saw several distant orcas, and some very distant grey whales but never saw any great whale shows this year. Our travel day leaving Whaler's Cove was delayed by fog. Float planes were grounded the entire day and a whale watching catamaran had to be dispatched to bring the new guests and take us back to Juneau. Instead of leaving at 8am and arriving in Juneau at 9am, we left Angoon at 5pm and arrived at our hotel at 8:30pm. I did have time, however, to walk around and explore Killisnoo island.

Sacramento to Juneau

27 images


Juneau to Whalers Cove

6 images


Fishing and Whaler's Cove Lodge

39 images


Killisnoo Island Geology and Environment

27 images


Ferry to Juneau

6 images


Juneau to Sacramento

13 images



6 videos
